5. – 12.11. – Nosen Yoga, Norway

     – more information: here
     – samatha meditation
     – the course is currently full

2. – 11.10. – Shanta Vana, Czech

     – more information: here
     – Bhante will lecture in Czech language 

20. – 24.9. – Centrum Long, Zaježová, Slovakia

     – more information: here
     – Bhante will lecture in Czech language

17.9 – 20.9. – Wangdenling, Nová Bošáca, Slovakia

      – more information: here
      – Bhante will lecture in Czech language

12. – 19.9. – Deer Park Institute, Bir, India

     – Canceled

25.8 – 3.9. – Shakya College, Nepal

      – Canceled 

10.7. – 17.7.  Nosen, Norway

        – theme:  Samatha

        – more information here

18.6. – 28.6.  Allgau, Germany

        – theme:  Samatha and Vipassana according Yogacara tradition

        – more information here

26.5. – 31.5.  Zaježová, Slovakia

        – theme:  4 brahmaviharas + interpretation of chapter 6 of Sandhinirmocana sutra

        – Bhante will teach in Czech language

        – more information here

Teaching at the HK University one semester – Hong Kong

        – 16.1. – 30.04. 2020
        – more information here

Pure-land Assembly day retreats – Hong Kong

題⽬目: 以淨⼟土法⾨門修四無量量⼼心
內容: 講經及禪修(請法師寫)
主講: 性空法師
時間: 上午9:00-17:00 (Lunch and afternoon tea included)
第⼀一講: 2 ⽉月29號星期六
第⼆二講: 3⽉月2號星期⼀一
第三講: 3⽉月16號星期⼀一
第四講: 3⽉月29號星期⽇日
第五講: 4⽉月6號星期⼀一
第六講: 4⽉月20號星期⼀一

Address: Flat F-G, 2/F Shun Fat Building7 Kik Yeung Road, Yuen Longn.t., Hong Kong
Enquiries: (852) 2476 7730 info@purelandassembly.org

Kadoorie centre Easter holiday retreat – Hong Kong
April 9-13

Address: Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, N. T., Hong Kong.
Phone: (852) 2488 5000. Fax: (852) 2488 5285. E-mail: kcbook@hku.hk.
Enquiries: 3917-5078  hkucbs@hku.hk 

The Teaching of Abhidharma at HKU – Hong Kong Feb 20, 27
Mar 5, 12, 19, 26
Apr 2, 9, 16, 23   Thursday nights (referred in the list below) )6:30-9:30pm (Due to Wu Han virus no class til 17/2, please check for further information through the university)— MBS teaching at HKU   Address: The University of Hong Kong CPD4.0 , Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel:(852) 2859 2111. Fax: (852) 2858 2549.

Tze Shan Monastery retreat – Tai Po Mar 20-24   Registration needed Address: 88 Universal Gate Rd, Tai Po
Telephone no.: 2123 – 8666  

Importance of theory for practice that liberates the mind – Hong Kong Feb 23, Mar 8, 14   Open lecture HKU 3-5pm Address: Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong
Enquiries: 3917-5078  hkucbs@hku.hk

27.12. – 12.1. 2020Taiwan, more information here.  

Více zde: https://www.dhammadipa.cz/en/events/