International Buddhist Conference

A virtual dialogue among Buddhist teachers/ scholars from the Pali and Sanskrit Traditions of Buddhism
Tibetan Buddhist Centre (

A virtual dialogue among Buddhist teachers and scholars from the Pali and Sanskrit Traditions of Buddhism on the topic of Tisikha / Trishiksha (Theory and Practice for the lay audience), Samādhi-sikkhā/Samādhi-Śikṣā and a Q&A section with the online audience on 5th and 6th March 2021. (Bhante is speaking the second day of the conference.)

Audio: Download or


Thank Tsadra Foundation ( for beautiful interview.
Tsadra Foundation Media Channel: Youtube

Audio: Download or

1. On the Roots of Tathāgatagarbha and His Position on the Concept
2. On the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana
3. On Yogachara, Shamatha and Vipashyana, and Tathāgatagarbha as Skillful Means
4. On the Nature of Mind in Yogachara
5. On How He Came to Study the Yogachara Tradition

Long-term meditation stay at Shanta Vana

Dear friends,

we have the good news for those of you who want to devote a longer period of time to meditation. For this purpose, we managed to complete the reconstruction of the former forestry. House stands on a lonely clearing in the middle of the forest about a ten-minute walk from the main houses of Shanta Vana and creates really good conditions for intensive practice. There are two small and two larger rooms, a hall, a kitchen, two bathrooms and two toilets. The building is fully equipped.

At present, Venerable Dhammadipa’s remains at the center for a longer time and can provide guidance to the meditators.

The date and length of the meditation stay should be consulted with Venerable. If you are interested, contact us at
office@dha More information about Shanta Vana is on the website

We look forward to meeting you,


Retreat with venerable Dhammadipa at Shanta Vana

Retreat was cancelled due coronavirus situation.

Dear friends,

this year’s retreat with the Venerable Dhammadipa will be at Shanta Vana (Sněhov) from Friday 10.2. until Sunday 10.11.

Venerable will lecture in Czech language,

Due to coronavirus risks, the number of participants is limited to 15,

Accommodation will be provided in double rooms,

Due to safety distances due coronavirus, the meditation will take place in a large tent, so bring warm clothes or a blanket with you,

Schedule your arrival after 4 pm (the evening program starts at 7 pm),

The end of the retreat is planned for Sunday morning,

Applications by email,

We look forward to meeting you! Mettá!