大乘瑜伽/彌勒如來 兩法脈之止觀過程



Date: 30.01. – 02.07. 2023
Place: 淨薈 The Pureland Assembly, Hong Kong (purelandassembly.org)

Audio: Download or Archive.org
Video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL18CgRq7adKjETx6bnJrIF4GJoqf_-Jdh


以四無量心修淨土法門第二講 (Practicing Brahmavihara with the Pure Land Methodology, Hong Kong)
by Venerable Dhammadipa (性空法師) in Chinese
Cantonese translation by Venerable Shi Dao Yuan (道源法師)

Date: 03.02. – 05.18. 2020
Place: 淨薈 The Pureland Assembly, Hong Kong (purelandassembly.org)

Audio: Download or Archive.org

Video and texts for the lectures (download texts at the bottom of the page): purelandassembly.org/activity/2020/ven-dhammadipa.html

性空法師主講,道源法師粵語翻譯 時間:
第一講: 3月2號星期一
第二講: 3月9號星期一
第三講: 3月16號星期一
第四講: 3月23號星期一
第五講: 3月29號星期日
第六講: 4月6號星期一
第七講: 4月20號星期一
第八講: 4月27號星期一

An introduction into the Abhidharma study

Theme: Comparative Study of Northern and Southern Abhidharma Traditions
Date: 2.23. – 4.12.  2020
Place: Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong (buddhism.hku.hk)

Text for the lectures : purelandassembly.org (below the video) or pdf download

Audio: Download or Archive.org

Video: Pureland Assembly or Archive.org

We thank The University of Hong Kong (buddhism.hku.hk) and Pureland Assembly (purelandassembly.org) for their kindness and for sharing these great lectures.